Monday, August 2, 2010

It must be the alignment of the planets ...

... or SOMETHING, because things are absolutely insane! I'm really sorry about the lack of updates. I've been unusually busy with work-related emergencies/situations and there simply are not enough hours in a day to fight the fires, tame the egos and calm the frenzied.

Hmmmmm ... now that I've put it that way, it sounds like I have a wonderfully exciting, action-movie type job. I don't. Believe me. Hahahahahha!

The only good thing is, I didn't do any work on Saturday (Sunday is another story) and so took the opportunity to go for a quilting class because I've never quilted a thing in my life and I'm intrigued by all that precision cutting and sewing.

Also, I sewed up an instant gratification skirt for the little monkey. She had requested a "fairy skirt" and so that's what she got. Bad news is, when I first put it on her, she said that she didn't like it!! Good news is, she said she would like it "tomorrow". Well, we'll see! Hahahahha!

Will get a pic and post it and catch up on all my blog reading and replying to comments. Now, I need to get back to the grind, then pick up the monkey from daycare, send her to my parents' place cos i have a 7.30PM MEETING IN THE OFFICE! GAH!!! (Update: that 7.30pm meeting in the office went on till 3am. I kid you not)

Please, planets, may I ask that you behave a little and send some good joojoo my way soon? Thanks much.

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