Saturday, July 17, 2010

Golden goodness

When I first started sewing some years ago, one of my favourite shops to visit was Golden Dragon Store at People's Park Centre (not to be confused with People's Park or People's Park Complex). If you're taking a cab or driving, People's Park Centre is the building opposite Chinatown point ... and also opposite the Subordinate Courts.

Golden Dragon used to be a huge store, but over the years, as interest in sewing and crafting dwindled, they got smaller and smaller and then moved to a quiet corner of the shopping centre.

So I'm happy to report that Golden Dragon has undergone a bit of a facelift AND has expanded, taking over a small neighbouring unit.
Things are much brighter and there is more space to move around. They still have lots of crafty products and they still offer knitting and other craft classes. Their knitting classes are very popular and there is always a happy, crafty buzz during lesson time.
And for those who sew (and knit!), you'll love their wall of Clover products. The last time I checked, the Clover prices at Golden Dragon are lower than at Spotlight and they have a much larger range:
At the back of the store, you'll also find a small but decent selection of fabric from Japan and the US. They stock mainly quilting cotton, some corduroy and a tiny offering of oilcloth (or maybe it's laminated cotton, I didn't really examine them in detail):

If you want to be informed when new fabric stock arrives, just tell one of the "aunties" there and they'll get you to put your name and number in a book.

So why am I writing about Golden Dragon? Welllllllllllll ... let's just say I broke the fabric fast today. AGAIN. And it started at this store. I'll tell you more tomorrow ;-)

Oh and before you give up on me as a total lost fabricaholic cause, I *did* sew something which I'll share as soon as I take some pics. No, Sew Convert, it isn't the Macaron, unfortunately. I needed a quick project to assuage the guilt of buying more fabric and so whipped up the Burda top from the previous project. Again. In black and white. Again. LOL! Notice a trend here?

OK, enough jibber-jabbering. Here is the essential info about Golden Dragon:

Address - #02-251 People's Park Centre, 101 Upper Cross Street
Tel - (+65) 6535 8454
Website -

1 comment:

SAPE said...

Just wish can join in "fabric fast" :)
Getting a new piece of fabric always cheers me up.
Also, must tell you how much appreciate your posts about your experience in different fabric shops. I have very limited time shopping, so your posts are very valuable. Please, keep it up!
(another sewing in SG fabricoholic :)
Cheers to our new sewing and fabric discovering adventures!